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Welcome! Thank you for visiting my online home. Since 2013, Susanne Matthews, author, has provided quality fiction in a number of genres. Wherever you are in the world, I'm pleased to share my little slice of cyberspace Canada with you. Feel free to browse around. I'm a multi-genre, hybrid-author. While I publish most of my books independently, I use a publisher for my faith-based books. Check out this link for Anaiah Press.
Do you like contemporary romance, holiday romance, suspense, light paranormal, history? Do you prefer thrillers with just a touch of romance? I do my best to appeal to all.
While most of my books are exclusive to Amazon, you don't have to have a Kindle to enjoy them. The Kindle app is free and can be downloaded to your computer, tablet, or Smartphone. Many of my books are available through Kindle Unlimited, a platform giving you free access to more books than you can possibly read with your membership.
If you're old-school and enjoy the feel of a book in your hand, you can buy my books in paperback format from Amazon as well.
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My son and web designer, Greg Matthews, has done all he can to make this website user friendly. Enjoy your visit!